Portable Appliance Testing

What is a Portable Appliance?
This is any item with a plug is a portable Appliance. This would include electric drills, kettles, PCs, printers, monitors, extension lead, desk lamps, toasters, hair dryers,Fridges,Washing machines and even some large items such as vending machines and photocopiers.
What does this mean to me?
The Electricity at Work Regulations (1989) placed a Legal responsibility on empolyers, suppliers and hirers etc to take reasonable steps to ensure that no danger results from the use of electrical equipment. This means all Portable Appliances at your place of work have to be regularly tested to ensure they are safe.
There is no specific schedule set out for testing. There are however guidelines to help. The regularity of testing depends on the type of equipment and the enviroment in which it is used. Essentially it is the responsibility of the employer to assess the risk involved and implement it's own programme of testing. Most companies still opt for a blanket test of all equipment on an annual basis to ensure conformity.
What can RedRat PAT Testing do for me?
RedRat PAT Testing offer a comprehensive portable appliance testing service including 240V and 110V testing. When all testing is complete you will receive a detailed report that will contain details of each item, a certificate of testing and register of any faulty items. All appliances will be labeled with a Pass or Fail label after testing.
How long will the testing take?
We can test around 15 to 20 electrical items per hour; this will dependend on access and availability of the items.
Will the testing be disruptive?
During Testing we try to minimise any disruption by only disconnecting items as we test them.
For convenience, we can work outside of business hours or at weekends if this helps.
Do you supply documentation?
Yes, full documentation will be provided, including an identification marker for every piece of equipment tested. The documentation will be sent to you within 1 week of the completion of the testing being carried out and on receipt of payment.
Method statements and risk assesments can be supplied on request.
Pat Testing & Portable Appliance Testing Information.
Every year in the UK approximately 30 people are killed as a result of coming into contact with electricity, and hundreds more are seriously injured.The Health & Safety Executive states that 25% of all reportable electrical accidents involve portable appliances - kettles, fridges, toasters, fax machines and computers - in other words, the things that you and I use throughout every day!
Are You Up To Date On Your PAT Testing.
1-20 Items Just £50.00